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Sunday School

Adult Choir Director - Jackie Brittain
Sister Jackie Brittian is our Adult Choir leader. Our choir performs specials, cantatas of traditional hymns and a variety of spiritual songs.

Prior Adult Choir Director - Tom Seamone
Tom is a Godly man who loves the Lord and our music program. At this time Tom has retired as Adult Choir Director but his heart will always be with our music program. Millersville Baptist Church has been blessed to have Tom Seamone as our choir director.

Assistant Choir Director - Caleb Fox
Caleb Fox is our Assistant Choir Director. Caleb won top honors in chorus while in school, and has a fabulous voice.

Just Praise Director - Jackie Brittain
Just Praise is a choir of ages 9th grade through college. Sister Jackie Brittain is also our Youth Choir leader. She does a wonderful job with a blended style of hymns, spiritual songs, and contemporary music. The Youth Choir is a wonderful part of our worship and special Youth services.

Middle Voices Director - April Sigmon
The Middle Voices is a choir of middle and high school students. The Middle Voices provides opportunities for young men and women to share their gift and love of music while worshipping the lord through song. They are taught to sing in 3 part harmony and experience where the joy of being a little part of something big in The Lord!

It is through this experience where many learn to step out in faith and begin to use their gifts to sing as a soloist, in a trio and or quartet, or share their talents in playing a musical instrument.

The Middle Voices is a stepping stone for many to become tomorrow’s leaders in song, music and worship.

Little Bitty Baptist Directors -
Lisa Kerley & Louis Sweet

The Little Bitty Baptist is a choir of ages 2 - 7 years old. Our Children's Choir is led by Lisa Kerley and Lois Sweet. They love to sing and are always learning new songs of praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. They do a wonderful job with our children.

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